IT: Ciao~ sono Neko ma potete chiamarmi Gabrielle! Ho 18 anni e sono nata il 23 dicembre e questo mi rende un capricorno testardo. Vivo in Italia e sto frequentando una scuola artistica, attualmente studio grafica e multimedia. Adoro la fotografia, mi considero una fotografa "freelance"; il mio obiettivo nella fotografia è di mostrare la bellezza del soggetto al mondo così da renderlo più sicuro di sè. Adoro gli animali e ho due gatti (si chiamano Alaska & Ciel) che mi tengono compagnia ogni giorno, non saprei immaginare la mia vita senza! Amo il thè caldo e ne sono ossessionata: ho un'intera collezione di thè solo per me! Voglio che il mio corpo sia tonico; amo correre, camminare, fare addominali e yoga!
ENG: Hi~ i'm Neko or you can call me Gabrielle! I'm 18 years old and i was born on the 23rd december and this makes me a stubborn capricorn. I live in Italy and i'm attending an art school, i'm currently studying graphics and multimedia. I love photography, i refer to myself as a "freelance" photograper; my goal in photography is to show the beauty of the subject at the world and make them confident about theirselves. I love animals and i got two kittens (they are called Alaska & Ciel) and they keep me company everyday, i can't imagine my life without them! I love hot tea and i'm obsessed about it: i got an entire collection of tea only for me! I want my body to be fit and toned; i love running, walking, doing abs and yoga!
You can find me on Facebook | Photography page | Tumblr | Twitter
Instagram: @parfaitneko - follow me! ♡
More information about me..
- What's your favorite snack?
I love snacktime and i have such a sweet-tooth, by the way my favourite snacks are: greek yogurt with goji berries, a peanut-butter banana toast, 2 ricecakes with peanut-butter or a proteinbar; plus a cup of tea.
- What motivates you?
I see motivation in everything I do, I'm so full of life and I want my body to ROCK! Every morning in the mirror I see a girl with a good body and this is all I need to be happy. Having a healthy-lifestyle may seems so difficult but it's so relaxing, you only need to have balance with everything!
- What is you favourite exercise?
I love to run and walk fast, i love doing abs and leg lifts too! In my house I got 3 fitness machines: a tapisroulant (my fav), a cyclette and an elliptical bike.
- How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
I have changeble timetables. I usually go to bed at 11pm and get up at 6.30am, I sleep 7 hours for night!
- What do you eat for breakfast?
I think breakfast is my favourite meal in the day! I have many combinations: weetabix with milk and greek yogurt and blueberries, a yogurt with some granola, porridge with blueberries and bananas, a protein shake, kefir with goji berries and if I'm in a hurry I simply eat a protein bar with milk!
I usually drink green tea at every breakfast and snack, it's a ritual for me.
- If you ever eat out, what are your favourite places?
I appreciate sushi and chinese restaurants.
I love snacktime and i have such a sweet-tooth, by the way my favourite snacks are: greek yogurt with goji berries, a peanut-butter banana toast, 2 ricecakes with peanut-butter or a proteinbar; plus a cup of tea.
- What motivates you?
I see motivation in everything I do, I'm so full of life and I want my body to ROCK! Every morning in the mirror I see a girl with a good body and this is all I need to be happy. Having a healthy-lifestyle may seems so difficult but it's so relaxing, you only need to have balance with everything!
- What is you favourite exercise?
I love to run and walk fast, i love doing abs and leg lifts too! In my house I got 3 fitness machines: a tapisroulant (my fav), a cyclette and an elliptical bike.
- How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
I have changeble timetables. I usually go to bed at 11pm and get up at 6.30am, I sleep 7 hours for night!
I think breakfast is my favourite meal in the day! I have many combinations: weetabix with milk and greek yogurt and blueberries, a yogurt with some granola, porridge with blueberries and bananas, a protein shake, kefir with goji berries and if I'm in a hurry I simply eat a protein bar with milk!
I usually drink green tea at every breakfast and snack, it's a ritual for me.
- If you ever eat out, what are your favourite places?
I appreciate sushi and chinese restaurants.
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