About Momo

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IT: Ciao! Il mio nome è Giulia ma gli amici mi chiamano Momo. Ho da poco compiuto 18 anni, per la precisione il 5 febbraio, ecco perchè posso definirmi un razionale Acquario. Frequento il liceo scientifico e, anche se è dura, so che sarà un'ottima base per il mio futuro. Non ho ancora le idee molto chiare a riguardo ma mi piacerebbe studiare all'estero per poi lavorare nel campo dell'economia o dell'informatica. Mi piace dedicarmi alle mie passioni anche se spesso non ne ho il tempo; le due più grandi sono quella per la lettura e quella per l'oriente. Amo prendermi cura di me stessa, sia fisicamente che mentalmente, e sto lavorando molto su questo aspetto della mia vita!

ENG: Hello everyone! My name is Giulia but my friends usually call me Momo. I've had my 18th birthday recently, more precisely on 5th February, that's why I consider myself a rational Aquarius. I currently attend a high school specialized in scientific subjects and, even though it's pretty hard, I think it'll be a great basis for my future. I haven't totally made up my mind yet about it but I'd like to study overseas and then work in the branch of Economics or Computer Technology. I'm fond of reading, expecially detective stories, but my biggest passion is the one for Asian countries, which I have since I was a kid. I like taking care of myself, both phisically and mentally, and I'm working hard on this side of my life!

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More information about me..

- What's your favorite snack?
Well, I have to admit I'm such a gourmand haha I really eat everything! When it comes to snacks, I tend to prefer the fruity ones, for example banana or apple bars and yoghurts.

- What motivates you?
When I'm down I usually look for motivation on the internet or talking to my closest friends: I can either go on tumblr on youtube and look for some advice or have a long chat with someone who knows a lot about fitness and stuff! To get energy I also love exercising.

- What is you favourite exercise?
I'd like to run for longer distances but unfortunately I have problems with keeping my breath average or mantaining a proper endurance, so my favourite type of exercise are pilates, aerobics and of course dancing!

- How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
I always say I should sleep more but I never get to do it, sigh. I usually sleep around 6-7 hours per night (in case I have to study for an important test 3-5), and that's bad for my skin and for my body in general! Sleeping more is surely one of my purposes.

- What do you eat for breakfast?
I really can't get how some people can live without having breakfast, it's the most important meal of the day! I love changing the meals every day, to vouch for a regular and healthy diet. I go from vanilla soy milk to rice yoghurts, from almonds to fruit, from cereals to biscuits: my table is always colorful at breakfast time!

- If you ever eat out, what are your favourite places?
Eating out is seriously no joke when it comes to coeliac people. Gluten free industry is surely expanding but I feel like it's not enough when "qualified" restaurateurs don't even know what I'm talking about...anyway, I like eating at ethnic restaurants (my favourite one is the Japanese one) or at a place that cook gluten free crepes (that are actually delicious)!

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