About Juri

«Heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of»

Salve ~ Mi chiamo Giulia, ma potete chiamarmi Juri! Ho 17 anni e sono nata il 16 luglio, quindi sono un cancro ambizioso. Frequento il liceo scientifico e voglio continuare i miei studi all'università per diventare una biologa nutrizionista! Ho anche un "lavoro". Non pensate a qualcosa di importante, faccio solo volantinaggio. Comunque mi piace farlo, perché posso camminare per la città!
Ho un sacco di interessi, ma la cosa che amo di più è l'Oriente. Recentemente ho inizato a fare cosplay, una cosa che mi rende veramente felice perché mi fa sentire quello che realmente sono, mi fa sentire un po '... Orientale? Non so come spiegarlo.
Mi alleno perché mi fa sentire viva e più forte. Amo correre, fare squat, addominali e altri esercizi di rinforzo!

ENG: Hello ~ I'm Giulia, but you can call me Juri! I'm 17 and I was born on the 16th of July, so I'm an ambitious cancer. I attend a high school specialized in scientific subjects and I want to continue my studies at university to become a biologist and nutritionist! I have a "job" too. Don't think about something important, I just do leafleting. Anyway I love doing it, because I can walk around the city!
I have a lot of interests, but the thing I love most is the Orient world. I recently started doing cosplay, and I feel really happy about it 'cause it make me feel what really I am, it let me feel a bit ... Oriental? I don't know how to explain this feeling.
I work out because it make me feel alive and stronger. I love running, doing squats, abs and other strengthening exercises!

My links:
Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Personal Blog | ask.fm
Instagram: @juricchan - follow me!


More information about me..

- What's your favorite snack?
Snack time is something I really love! My favourite snacks are fruits (any kind of fruit), bread with sliced banana and cinnamon and, sometimes, yogurt (I prefer having it at breakfast). I always have a cup of tea 

- What motivates you?
I like watching me in the mirror and seeing the girl who I am. My body is getting stronger day by day and my mood is getting better too, and this is thanks to clean eating and exercise. I'm happier and peaceful since I started my new routine, and this is the most motivating thing for me.

- What is you favourite exercise?
I LOVE running, as faster and farther as I can. I practised athletics for years and even though I don't do it any more I still enjoy feeling the wind in my hair. It makes me feel really well and alive. I like dancing too, and doing squats, lunges and many kinds of jumping, on stairs and on benchs.

- How many hours of sleep do you get each night?
I always try to sleep at least for 7 hours, but sometimes I go to sleep later because of the study!

- What do you eat for breakfast?
Breakfast is absolutely my favourite meal of the day! I usually have a seasonal fruit (yeah, I'm addicted to fruit) a yogurt (greek or classic) with wheat bran, whole grains or whole rusks with organic jam and a cup of tea ~ Sometimes I have soy milk instead of the yogurt, but it doesn't happen frequently. 

- If you ever eat out, what are your favourite places?
My favourites are Chinese and macrobiotic restaurants. Then, seeing I'm Italian, pizzerie ~ 

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